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Children & Youth Ministries


Milestone Ministries

Newborns receive a quilt and new Moms receive a prayer shawl.
Splash! Packs are sent to each child and parent monthly for 3 years. The monthly Parent Pages offer ideas for faith-filled play, worship, meals, and prayer together. By mailing Parent Pages each month, congregations stay connected to young children and their families.


At baptism, a young child is given a faith chest or an older child or adult is given a quilt.


At age 3, children receive a children’s Bible.


In 3rd grade, children receive a New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) Bible.


In 5th grade, first communion classes are held with youth and parents on the 3 Sundays before Easter with First Communion on Maundy Thursday. The youth make the communion bread for that service.


When confirmed in 9th grade, youth receive a stole, symbolizing the yoke of Christ, as well as a prayer shawl.


High school sophomores receive a key chain, as they begin driving.


High school and college graduates receive a quilt, symbolizing God’s love covering them.


Together in Faith Series

This curriculum draws parents and children together in faith with learning about the Bible, prayer and worship.

3 year olds and parents – Praying Together

4 year olds and parents – The Keys (forgiveness)

Kindergartners and parents – The Lord’s Prayer

First Graders and Parents – The Ten Commandments

Second Graders and Parents – What’s Fair?

Third Graders and Parents – Opening the Bible

Fourth Graders and Parents – The Apostles’ Creed

Fifth Graders and Parents – Real Life Faith (Martin Luther)

Wednesday Evening Education (WEE) in fall and spring

Wednesday evenings are designed for ages 4-Grade 8, with dinner, worship and individual classes.



7th & 8th graders meet on Wed evenings for 2 years.

9th graders meet on Sunday evenings for 6 weeks in the fall and are confirmed at the end of October.


Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Held in summer with other local churches.


Luther Point Bible Camp

Youth and families are encouraged to attend this ELCA camp in Grantsburg, WI.


Fellowship Activities

Sr. High Breakfast at a local restaurant with pastor once a month.


High School Baccalaureate
Synod Youth Gatherings

For Middle School and High School

National Youth Gatherings

For High School


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