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History of North Valley Lutheran


In the late 1800s, settlers arrived in the North Valley community. In 1869 they asked Rev. Ole Olson, pastor from the Grantsburg settlement, to preach for them once a month, weather permitting.


On January 18, 1879, the North Valley congregation was organized, with 22 families in its membership.


In 1882 the congregation bought 40 acres of land with a two-room log house, which was used as the first parsonage.


In 1883 the North Valley Lutheran Church was built. Many willing helpers donated money, materials, and labor. The women of the church each donated $2 toward the purchase of a bell. Our church was a crude, plain-looking building with no basement, and heated by a large box in the center of the floor.


Since that time many changes have been made to the church, and a new parsonage was built around 1940.


For more than 135 years we have been blessed to have a church where we can gather to confess our faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Read more about our history.


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