Easter Joy

I feel so blessed today. It was an extraordinary Holy Week and Easter.
Maundy Thursday
The congregation was blessed to have ten youth and one adult participate in First Communion on Maundy Thursday, the night Jesus celebrated the Passover with his disciples and instituted communion with them. We also followed Jesus example of foot washing to remind us of his commandment to love one another by serving. We were also blessed to have one of our seventh graders be baptized. So much love floating around on that special evening!
Easter Vigil - Saturday Evening
How special to start the service outside, lighting candles from a newly lit fire and processing into the sanctuary. How wonderful to hear in word and see in video God's great story from creation to the resurrection.
Easter Morning
We resurrected the "Alleluia" on Easter morning - hallelujah! Jesus lives; the tomb is empty! That is Easter joy! I thank the Lord for all the people who have come through North Valley's doors this past week to to hear God's word proclaimed and hope they have been blessed to be a blessing.
I am so excited for next Sunday - Holy Humor Sunday - because God had the last laugh on death! We will also be celebrating the service of all those volunteers who impact the lives of so many. How do I feel about these saints? Thankful! There is much joy and love in serving inside and outside of the church doors, and I appreciate all who volunteer.
Thanks be to God!
P.S. Here is a picture of some gifts that I received this Easter. The wooden cut-out of "Joy" was given to me after worship because my sermon was on Easter Joy and "joy" is my word for 2017. Yes, I feel blessed!